Did you know that your driver’s license can also help to save lives? That is because getting a driver’s license is also an opportunity to register as an organ donor.
The License to Save Lives program is designed to teach you about organ donation so that you can make an informed choice about registering as an organ donor. We are asking you to participate in this study to help us create effective educational programs about organ donation for students in driver’s education programs.
To be eligible to participate, you must be at least 14 years old and enrolled in a driver’s education program. If you are under 18, you must have your parent’s permission to participate. If you choose to participate in the License to Save Lives program, we will ask you about your knowledge and opinions about organ donation, you will learn about the organ donation process, and you will have an opportunity to register as an organ donor. We will also ask for demographic information, for your email address, and for feedback about your experience participating in the program. The program requires students to use their phone and headphones.
The License to Save Lives program takes approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. Your participation in the program is completely voluntary. This means that you can decide whether or not you want to participate in this program. You may decline to participate at any point, and you are free to withdraw from the study at any time and for any reason.
In general, we will not tell anyone information about you or link your answers back to you. Results of this study may be summarized in a report and disseminated to other researchers via conference presentations, journal articles, or book chapters. When this research is discussed or published, no one will know that you were in the study. If results are presented, they will report on students as a group and will not identify you personally.
However, laws and university rules might require us to disclose information about you to authorized institutions. For example, if required by laws or university policy, study information which identifies you and your consent to participate may be seen or copied by the following people or groups: (a) The university committee and office that reviews and approves research studies, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Office for Protection of Research Subjects, (b) University and state auditors, and Departments of the university responsible for oversight of research, and (c) Federal government regulatory agencies such as the Office of Human Research Protections in the Department of Health and Human Services.
The risks of participating in this study are minimal, and the broad benefit of your participation is that it will help us to better evaluate the License to Save Lives program. Certain videos or questions presented during this study could make you feel mildly emotional. You do not need to respond to any question(s) that make(s) you feel uncomfortable. If you want to report any material(s) causing discomfort after the survey, you can contact the researchers.
If you have questions, concerns, or complaints about the research, you can contact Dr. Brian Quick by email [email protected] or phone 217.333.3617. Additionally, you can contact the University of Illinois Institutional Review Board (IRB) if you have questions about your rights as a research participant ([email protected]; 217-333-2670).
By clicking on the button, you are agreeing to participate in the License to Save Lives program.